My name is Bree and I’m an Aussie-Kiwi-American living in LA. I have a serious passion for European Travel and planning elaborate itineraries to the prettiest, cutest and/or most breathtaking places. Most of my inspiration has come from seeing pictures and deciding I want to see those things in person. It has also translated into a love of taking great photos to share with others and, in a sense, take them on the journey with me… which is why I decided to start a travel blog. In my blog I share tips on places to go, things to see, travel hacks and my favorite experiences. My two goals are: 1) to entice you to plan a vacation and 2) to help you plan it! I spend a LOT of time researching and planning the details of my trips, which I know is not everyone’s “cup of tea”, so I hope that, by sharing my discoveries through a blog, I am providing a bit of a shortcut for others to have the same amazing experiences.

I’d love to hear from you (via the contact form)  if my blog has inspired you, if there are topics you want to know more about, or if you just want to say hey because you share a similar passion to mine! If you like what you see, please sign up for notifications when a new post is up, and use the social media buttons to share my blog with your friends!



a.k.a. The Breezy Tourist